5 Ways to Kick Cravings



Our hotel left these insanely tempting chocolates on our bed one night this past weekend.  I had to enlist every trick I knew to overcome my cravings  and not succumb to these little evil calorie packed strawberries.  I thought I would share my top 5 Craving Kicking tips:


1.  Set yourself up for success.  Rid your home and office of any unhealthy foods that tempt you.  If you get a craving for something and it is not available or convenient, it is much easier to overcome the craving.  Think about it,  if you start craving cupcakes and you don’t have any in your home, are you really going to hop in your car and drive to the store to buy some……probably not.

2.  Find an alternative.  If it is sweetness you crave, buy some mini bite size dark chocolate bars.  When your sweet tooth starts talking to you, allow yourself one piece of chocolate.  This method will save you tons of calories, but not leave you feeling deprived.

3.  Identify and eliminate your triggers.  Many times there are certain situations or locations that kick cravings into high gear.  Identify your triggers and change them.  If you can’t pick up your morning Starbucks without also indulging in a muffin, start making your lattes at home.  If you always reach for the crackers or chips when you walk in the door, famished from a long day at work, prepare a healthy snack in advance to have waiting for you when you arrive home.

4.  Create visual reminders of your goals to keep you on track.  Trying to lose a few pounds for a beach trip, hang up a picture of a fit model in a bikini near your fridge or pantry.  Attempting to become bridal skinny for your upcoming wedding, post pictures of your dress in your office or around your kitchen as a reminder of your ultimate goal.

5.  OK, this last one may be the most important; watch the booze.  After a few glasses of vino, all your good intentions and will power may go straight out the window.  If you know you are going to go out on the town and enjoy a few libations, set some “stay on track reminders” for yourself at home.  Create a post it note with a motivational saying such as, “You have done so well this week, don’t blow it now” and post it on your fridge or pantry.  Also, revert to tip one, no matter how intoxicated you are, you can’t eat something that is not there.


Don’t forget to check back later today to see if you won the $50 Whole Foods gift card giveaway!


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