Are you an ice cream fanatic? Try Almond ice cream as an alternative! Here is why:
- Lactose free – Great if you have an intolerance to lactose
- Less calories – Almond Vanilla ice cream has 40 less calories (per ½ cup serving) than Bluebell Vanilla ice cream
- No cholesterol – Bluebell Vanilla ice cream has 35 mg (per ½ cup serving), Almond ice cream has 0 mg
- 85% less saturated fat – Bluebell Vanilla ice cream has 6 grams of saturated fat (per ½ cup serving) while Almond ice cream only has 1 gram of saturated fat (per 1/2 cup serving)
- The good fats – Almond ice cream contains both monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats
- Less carbohydrates – Almond ice cream has 15% less carbohydrates
- More fiber – Almond ice cream has double the amount of fiber
- Less sugar – Almond ice cream has 50% less sugar