I am not a fan of most things fake, fake handbags, fake people, etc., but faux pasta made from a vegetable……now I could be a fan of that!
Recently, I have been trying to create my favorite pasta dishes using squash or zucchini, but found the process of “spiralizing” these vegetables via julienning tedious, and have not been satisfied with any of the spiralizing tools I have tried. Discovering the spaghetti squash has been a game changer for me…….once cooked this vegetable literally forks off into perfect noodle like pieces and it is absolutely delicious, not to mention insanely healthy. Check out this comparison to normal whole wheat pasta:
Spaghetti Squash – 1 cup
- Calories – 42
- Carbs – 10 g
Whole Wheat Pasta – 1 cup
- Calories – 175
- Carbs – 40 g
Here is how to prepare your spaghetti squash
- Preheat oven to 375
- Cut squash in half lengthwise (I had to have my husband help me, you need some muscle for this part)
- Scoop out seeds
- Rub a small amount of olive oil inside the squash
- Bake face up for 45 minutes to 1 hour, until squash is fork tender
- Once squash is cool enough to handle, scrape out the flesh with a fork, flesh will come out in perfect noodle like strands
- Top with your favorite sauce
I finished my spaghetti squash off with a fresh tomato, parsley and olive oil sauce……yum!
May 28, 2013
42 calories in a cup of spaghetti squash? I had no idea. Going to incorporate this into my diet right away. Is spaghetti squash seasonal or is it available year-round?